
About Us

PeddyMark provides high quality microchips and reading equipment and offer microchip training on a one-to-one basis in the comfort of your own home.

Every year over 300,000 animals go astray in the United Kingdom alone. Most of them cannot be returned home because their owners cannot be identified.

The lucky ones end up in an animal home. Microchipping is the most effective way of identifying a lost pet, chips do not come off like collars can.


  • 20 x Plastic collar tags

  • 9v Batteries for PM500/PM400

  • Animal Tracker Registration ISO Microchips

  • Approved Microchipping Courses

  • Implant Device

  • Implant device (Mini and Mid microchips)

  • Implant Syringe Disposable

  • Implant Syringe Disposable 10mm/8mm

  • In Car charger

  • ISO Scanner/Reader PM440

Peddymark Ltd has 36 items listed - You are viewing 1 - 10 of 36 Products

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  • Peddymark Opening Hours over Christmas 2017

  • New option to register with AnimalTracker Database

  • New option to register with AnimalTracker Database

Peddymark Ltd has 3 items listed - You are viewing 1 - 3 of 3 News