
Non-sterile Roll 24" by 100ft

Product Code: PO025I

<p>\n Hypothermia in lab animals during anaesthesia is a serious problem, especially for small species due to the ratio of surface area to body mass.</p>\n<p>\n Hypothermia can result in poor surgical outcomes including increased animal stress, prolonged recovery periods or even death. Frequently, the animal must be re-warmed before spontaneous respiration resumes.</p>\n<p>\n Laboratory animals undergoing surgical procedures, CT scans or MRIs suffer heat loss due to several factors, including:</p>\n<p>\n * dry anaesthetic gases<br />\n * muscle relaxants<br />\n * general anaesthetics<br />\n * cool surgical or other procedural rooms.</p>\n<p>\n Lab animals may lose considerable amounts of heat while anesthetized through radiation, convection and evaporation into the environment of the procedure room. SpaceDrapes™ are designed to help reduce the severity of hypothermia in anesthetized or sick animals by reducing this heat loss.</p>\n<p>\n The reflective backing of the drape reduces radiant heat loss.
The covering reduces air mass thus decreasing convective heat loss (while also providing a moisture barrier and decreasing the humidity gradient).</p>\n<p>\n SpaceDrapes™ can be fenestrated and can provide a sterile surface for surgical instruments during procedures. After the procedure and during transportation, the animal can be wrapped in the drapes to maintain normothermia and aid recovery.</p>\n

Visit the Vet-Tech Solutions website for more information on Non-sterile Roll 24" by 100ft


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