Sullivan’s Sensation Curve
Product Code: 6445
DescriptionIntroducing Sullivan’s Sensation Curve, this NEW twist to their popular Smart Sensation delivers even more stimulation to the skin and adds body to the hair coat, making it a hair growth must have. With the Sensation Curve’s 302 precisely placed ball point teeth, no hair will be left clinging to the hide. Best for dull, lifeless hair that still needs volume due to lack of base coat. Not only does theSensation Curve contain 134% more teeth than the Smart Sensation, but the teeth are also narrower and more flexible to allow hair and skin to be stimulated with an even gentler massage. The Sensation Curve’s design also has a more rounded curvature to the brush, which encourages more fluid rhythm to the hair working process while the Sullivan’sNEW texturized grip enhances the users comfort.
Like the Smart Sensation, the Sensation Curve is healthy for hide and hair. By providing a gentle massage to the hide it stimulates blood flow that releases natural oils from the skin to coat the hair and promote healthy hair growth.
This brush will be the perfect addition to your daily hair growing tools.
This brush will be the perfect addition to your daily hair growing tools.
Visit the Showtime website for more information on Sullivan’s Sensation Curve