Orlden Cattle Rinse
Product Code: 2600
DescriptionOrlDen Cattle Rinse is a unique combination of many natural ingredients. Essential oils combine to prevent dandruff and skin flakiness, keep the skin and coat healthy, relieve itching in bulls and promote hair growth. Invariably this boosts performance as contented cattle achieve greater thrive. This proven formulation provides the essential proteins, vitamins and Omega oils all of which combine to nourish the hair follicles, stimulating hair growth, adding lustre and shine to crown your stock on show day.
OrlDen Cattle Rinse, if used repeatedly, will encourage short thick hair, 2-4 cms long which continuously replenishes itself. To keep the skin and coat healthy, dilute at 20 : 1 in warm water and apply approx. 3 litres in a misty spray, onto a clean coat to achieve maximum absorption into the skin. Allow to soak into the skin and do not rinse out. Combing and brushing after application stimulates the hair follicles as well as removing dead hair. Repeat this every 2-3 weeks.
To encourage more rapid hair growth, apply every 4-5 days.
5 litre
To encourage more rapid hair growth, apply every 4-5 days.
5 litre
Visit the Showtime website for more information on Orlden Cattle Rinse