Veterinary Advice on Digestion in Pets from Dr Barbara Fougere
BSc BVMS (Hons) MODT MHSc (Herb Med) BHSc (Comp Med) Grad Dip Herb Med, Grad Dip VCHM, Grad Dip VWHM, Grad Dip VA
Why digestion and gut health is so important.
It is sometimes difficult to appreciate how the digestive tract can affect general health, but if food is not digested properly it can lead to a whole cascade of other problems. Even chronic diseases such as arthritis and skin disease can have digestive disturbances as an underlying cause. Similarly the digestive tract is affected by a whole range of factors. Stress, anxiety and depression can have a negative effect, as can many medications, lack of dietary fibre, parasites, food allergies, sensitivities or dysbiosis (an imbalance of bacteria).
Maintaining a healthy digestive system
The basic principle in maintaining digestive health is to feed a good diet. A balanced , unprocessed food diet with lots of variety in ingredients will ensure a broad range of nutrients. Some animals with sensitive stomachs may react to their food, in which case your veterinarian can help.
Ingested food has a profound effect on the types of bugs, their numbers and activity in the gut, dysbiosis is associated with gut inflammation in dogs and cats.
If you are concerned about the diet as a cause of gut issues consider asking for a referral to an integrative veterinarian experienced with nutrition and/ or a veterinary nutritionist.
Include probiotics in the diet if your pet has undergone surgery or a stressful event; following any course of medications or if the stools are a little inconsistent. The good bacteria help balance the bugs in the gut, and they produce nutrients for the lining of the gut that improve gut health.
If your pet is stressed, have this attended to. In my opinion stress and anxiety frequently underlie chronic and recurrent gut problems. When animals are relaxed they digest better.
Monitor stool quality. Check the kitty litter tray or follow your dog and check the faeces on a regular basis. They should be easy for your pet to pass, easy to pick up and dispose of, well formed and consistent. Your pet should also be regular. The volume and frequency will depend upon their diet. If they are not, seek veterinary help.
When making any changes to the diet, particularly when shifting from dry foods to fresh foods or canned to dry for example, where the form is quite different- then aim to do this over 4-5 days, gradually decreasing the existing diet and increasing the replacement diet. This will minimise the risk of diarrhea or tummy upset.
Cats that are fed once a day may be metabolically healthier than those that snack according to a recent study. Cats that ate just once a day had higher levels of three key appetite-regulating hormones after their meal, suggesting they were more satisfied. This may be one means of reducing the risk of obesity. Likewise feeding once a day may be beneficial in dogs for similar reasons. Research into intermittent fasting in dogs and cats is quite new.
Have regular (3 monthly) worm checks by submitting a facial sample to the vet if you choose not to worm routinely or want to reduce worming medications.
Signs of Digestive system problems
Bad breath
Mucous or jelly in the stool
Noisy gut rumblings
Weight loss
Fussy appetite
Colour change in the stool
Large volume of stool
Loose stool
Difficulty in passing stool
Pale tongue
When to call the vet
Always consult your vet if there is:
Pain, crying or panting
Straining to go to the toilet
Blood evident
Distended abdomen