

We are offering Rescue Charities, Breed Clubs, Agility and Obedience Clubs the opportunity to sell our beds and earn income to go towards Rescue and Club activities. There is no need to buy stock or anything complicated like that. Once you are registered with us, we will allocate a code individual to the Rescue or Club. Each time someone buys a bed using that code we will know who has 'sold' the bed and send you £20 towards Rescue or Club funds. What could be easier? If bed sales increase to above 10 in a year, we will increase the amount paid per bed sold to £30 and back date it to include all beds sold in that year. That means the 11th bed will earn £130 for the Rescue or Club. Now that's a great deal! Is this a cynical way to earn money from charities? Well, some might see it like that, but we think it is a practical way of helping rescues increase their income for very little effort on their part. We are very happy to help charity Rescues and Clubs raise funds to support their activities, but there is a limit to how many beds and other prizes we can afford to give away. This allows us to help far more good causes than we could otherwise afford. Hopefully, you will see it as a good deal too. It is an alternative to nominating a single rescue to receive a percentage or fixed amount with each bed sale, and will help more charities that way. Ways that you can promote the offer include: putting a notice in a club or rescue newsletter, having a sign or poster up at the kennels or animal rescue centre for visitors to see, flag it up on your club website and Facebook page, promote it at club events and rescue open days, ask your local radio station and newspaper to advertise it for the rescue for free in the lead up to Christmas. We will help you prepare promotional material which can be personalised to the Rescue or Club. Alternatively, you can opt to share the benefit by offering a reduction in the bed price and reducing the earnings to the Rescue or Club. This adds an extra incentive to purchasers, but does have the downside of reducing earning potential to teh Rescue or Club. The maximum price reduction offered will be £10. See how the offer works in greater detail here. Or go straight to Download the Registration Form All moneys earned will be paid monthly into a club or rescue bank account, not into a personal account. If you are interested in offering our beds as a trade client, please email us

Visit the Big Dog Bed Company website for more information on RAISE FUNDS FOR YOUR RESCUE OR CLUB


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